To edit this file or the web pages, please do: svn checkout www Topics for Pencil code User Meeting in Glasgow (virtual) 2020: ============================================================== % Notes: "-" means that this item is still open (nothing has happened) % "+" means that it is already in progress (people working on it) % "*" same, but high priority % "/" postponed % "x" means that it has been dealt with % [assigned Persons] feel free to add yourself % # x Newsletter <-- Mon 17:00 --> Letters to the editor - Status of HDF5: efficency? Default standard? (-> Mon 10:30, + Fri 16:30) factor 2 is normal, have to live with it - Particles + Wed 18:30 random numbers (Xiang-Yu) - Updates of the manual (DOI, as follow-up on GAFD spec issue) <-- Mon 19:00 - code license, data license questions x Summary from the Pencil Code Steering Committee -> for Newsletter x xyaver in uniform time intervals (Tue 12:00) - autotest issues (when something breaks, and idl) <-- Tue 14:00 - fix/clarify solar atmosphere (Wed 10:00) <-- Tue 14:00 - list of committers (familiarize) - deriv_in_3sec_instead_of_14min for Alberto <-- Thu 10:00 - to add src/pc_build_details <-- Philipe looking into it - change default for lwrite_last_powersnap=F not done yet, but to mention in newsletter - specific coding goals - user-specific initialization (Tue 11:00) $USER/, and then (e.g., it1=1) <-- Thu 9:00 - xyz range to specify in units of pi (for example) x GW w/ x-parallelization (Fourier) - GW output in real space <-- Axel - ... x non-resistive MHD (Wed pm)